2006 Ironman: Calculation

1229th — Henry Abel

Event Category Date Points
28 Cherry Pie Road Race Senior Men Category 5 2/19 1
19 Cascade Chainbreaker MTB Sport Men 19-39 5/14 1
12 Thrilla in the Milla Series: Thrilla in the Milla Men B 9/6 1
10 Thrilla in the Milla Series: Thrilla in the Milla Men B 9/20 1
10 Thrilla in the Milla Series: Thrilla in the Milla Men B 10/4 1
25 High Desert Omnium - Time Trial Category 4/5 8/26 Not an event result 0
29 High Desert Omnium - Criterium Category 4/5 8/26 Not an event result 0
122 High Desert Omnium - Time Trial: Combined Results by Time Combined 8/26 Not an event result 0
23 High Desert Omnium - Road Race Category 4/5 8/27 Not an event result 0
16 Thrilla in the Milla Series: Thrilla in the Milla: Thrilla in the Milla - Series Overall Men B 10/4 Not an event result 0

Updated 24 Mar 09:07