Eric Kautzky Memorial Track Race Coming Soon

Darell C. Provencher


River City Bicycles, Tempo Cycling & Pilates Studio, Hincapie Sportswear,
and Team Rose City are proud to be hosting the Eric Kautzky Memorial Track
Race on May 3.

The 8th Annual Eric Kautzky (EK) Memorial Track Race at Alpenrose
Velodrome, in Portland, Oregon will be held on Saturday, May 3. The EK
event has grown into one of the largest one-day track events in the Pacific
Northwest. Eric Kautzky lost his life in a bicycle-motor vehicle accident
in June of 2005. As a teacher and athletic trainer, Eric was very involved
in many students' lives at Tigard High School. Proceeds from the event go
to the Eric Kautzky Memorial Scholarship Fund. To date the event has
donated over $12,000 to Eric's fund. The EK race offers the first omniums
and points races of the OBRA track racing season.

For the event flyer, please see

Thanks again for your support and interest in this worthwhile event.

Darell Provencher
Team Rose City