Private Urination

Stewart Campbell


Damn, do we have to put the seat back down too?
I am just being funny.
I see that a lot on job sites over the years and I think that it cus when men go to public bathrooms, it's just a urinal on the wall....we walk up, we piss, we walk away.
But it is a good reminder, especially with juniors at the races.

From: Alison Irwin
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2014 8:33 AM
Subject: [OBRA Chat] Private Urination

Now that word has gotten out about Public Urination, I would like to discuss Private Urination. Now that many of you grown men are no longer going in the bushes when nature calls, we have apparently created another problem...lack of knowledge regarding Porta-Potty latches.

They are located directly inside the door & are quite easy to use. When slid to the opposite site they will make your experience much more private, as well as alerting the outside world with a red notification that the door is locked and porta potty is in use. While the lock should be used at all times, it should especially be used in the afternoon when the porta potty's are in heavy use and there is a line of people outside.

Two of our team moms (individually) were greeted with a special viewing on Saturday and again on Sunday. Watching our children race is more then enough excitement for us to handle in one weekend. So if you can amuse us and lock the the doors when nature calls we would be very appreciative. :)
OBRA mailing list

Alison Irwin


Now that word has gotten out about Public Urination, I would like to discuss Private Urination. Now that many of you grown men are no longer going in the bushes when nature calls, we have apparently created another problem...lack of knowledge regarding Porta-Potty latches.

They are located directly inside the door & are quite easy to use. When slid to the opposite site they will make your experience much more private, as well as alerting the outside world with a red notification that the door is locked and porta potty is in use. While the lock should be used at all times, it should especially be used in the afternoon when the porta potty's are in heavy use and there is a line of people outside.

Two of our team moms (individually) were greeted with a special viewing on Saturday and again on Sunday. Watching our children race is more then enough excitement for us to handle in one weekend. So if you can amuse us and lock the the doors when nature calls we would be very appreciative. :)