Bastille Day Tomorrow, Numbers on Your Left

Clint Culpepper


Don't forget that tomorrow is Bastille Day and we'll be featuring the first summit finish of the PIR series. It tops out about .75 meters so it'll be interesting to see who will put in the attack to distance their rivals.

This week all categories will be racing in a COUNTER-CLOCKWISE DIRECTION with ONE NUMBER ON THE LEFT. You can always find this info for the entire season at
Online registration is available on Athletepath and each week���s registration can be found here: The cost is $15 and there���ll be no surcharge. That means that the cost is the same online as it is in person. You can preregister online up until 2pm on the day of the race and you can then head straight to the start line, no need to check in at registration.

Race day, on site registration is located at the finish line in the middle of the main straight away.

If you have an season or team pass, you'll just need to check in with us before heading to your start.

Tonight's schedule look's like this:
5:15pm - Registration open
6:20pm - Category 4/5 - 6 Laps
6:25pm - Category 5 - 5 Laps
6:40pm - Category 1/2/3 - 18 Laps (Three hot laps)
6:45pm - Category 3/4 - 15 Laps (Three hot laps)

Juniors (18 and under racing in open categories) - $5
Single Race for all others - $15

You can find all of the information about the series on our website at and also keep up with us on Facebook and Twitter.

See you all out there tomorrow night!