RFID finish line

Mike Murray


I have created a Survey Monkey about RFID chip timing at
https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8YD5DRQ. Please have a look at it and give
me your opinion.

I would like to form a group of people to look at the options for adding
an RFID system to the OBRA finish line judging process. The most difficult
part of doing this will be figuring out the issues involved in deployment
of a system and integrating it into the current race registration and
results producing process. If we decide to go ahead with purchasing a
system this group will work through how we do that deployment. I expect
that initially the group will communicate mostly through e-mail but
eventually we will need to have some physical meetings. Some people will
need to actually do the purchasing/procuring of the needed hardware and
software. We will need people to train to use the system. We will need
people to work with creating software and hardware solutions. If you are
interested in being involved in this let me know and I will put your name
on the list.

Mike Murray