August (and older) Series Prizes - Monday Night PIR Series 2016

Jim Anderson


Monday PIR Racers!

August Series Prizes are now ready and would love to be able to get these
to you in a timely and easy to distribute manner!

I need proper mailing addresses from everyone listed here. This is best way
to get these Gift Certificates out to you instead of running around town.
If you don't want yours, just let me know too. If I don't get a response
with mailing address (or sizes) by 10/1, I'll assume you don't want it.
Mailing of GCs will start after 9/16.

Please see below names. Couple people I have no email addresses for so if
you know them, please forward this to them so I can get to them.

I am unable to mail to you. Please contact me for a pick-up time/location
after 9/16. I also need Castelli Jersey SIZES from the noted people below.

Trevor Hayward - August - 1st - Novice

Deann Garcia - August - 2nd - W 1/2/3s

Stephen Achillies - August - 2nd - Novice (Need Contact Info)

Jonathan Hinkle - August - 2nd - M 4/5

Erin Smith - August - 2nd - W 4/5

Felipe Nystrom - August - 2nd - M 1/2/3

Lisa Heathmen - August - 3rd - W 1/2/3

Jim McGurl - August - 3rd - M 4/5

Beth Connor - August - 3rd - W 4/5

Tim Reinhart - August - 3rd - M 1/2/3

Joe Dengel - August - 1st - M 1/2/3 (NEED JERSEY SIZE)

Jason Schroeder - August - 1st - M4/5 (NEED CONTACT INFO/JERSEY SIZE)

Rebecca Pool - August - 1st - W 4/5 (NEED JERSEY SIZE)

Erica Menze - August - 1st - W 1/2/3 (NEED JERSEY SIZE)


Sophie Russenberg - July - 2nd - W 1/2/3

Chris Schomaker - May - 1st - M 4/5 (NEED JERSEY SIZE)

Elyse Johansen - July - 3rd - W 4/5

Steve Remy - June - 2nd - M 1/2/3

Sarah Tisdale - May - 2nd - W 1/2/3