Mt. Hood Gravel Grinder

Chad Sperry


Good Morning NW Riders!

We are coming up quickly to the final ride of this years Oregon Gravel
Grinder series. Next week Saturday July 8th is the Mt. Hood Grinder. We
have updated our website with all the details and information on the ride.
Please be aware we have had to make a few changes due to policy changes
this past year by Hood River County that have affected this year's course.
For starters they are no longer allowing use of any of their parks for
events. So the race/ride has been moved from Toll Bridge Park to Hutson
Museum and Park in downtown Parkdale. A huge thanks to the Mt. Hood
Railroad for accommodating us and letting us use this beautiful location.
In addition Hood River County has raised their permit fees 1400% this year
(yes that is correct they are now 7 times higher than any other county
permit in the State of Oregon). Keeping costs in check is paramount to
this event so we have made course changes so that the race remains on state
and Forest Service Roads. For the Big Grinder ride course it has little
effect for the Small and Medium Grinder it means that official race/ride
timing will start at 10 miles in when you turn off onto Forest Service
Roads. You can drive or ride to this location then start your event. We
will have directions and information setup.

We have had a lot of questions about the course and we have details listed
on our website. The biggest question is how much gravel. For the Big
Grinder there is roughly 12% of smooth gravel roads. For the medium and
small grinder courses there is less than 1%. However the term pavement is
probably a little generous on the climb up Lake Branch Road on the medium
climb so it will provide great adventure. So why use these roads and this
course? And how come you call it it a grinder? For starters you will be
grinding up some of the most amazing alpine ascents you can find anywhere.
Think Tour de France right here in the US. Over half the course is located
on single lane forest service roads that take you into the deepest sections
of the Mt. Hood National Forest. These roads are not only made anymore
they are not being maintained. They will disappear in the next 10 years
due to cost of repair and maintenance. So we are working hard to showcase
them while they are still ride able. These are special roads that will
truly amaze you.

We are suggesting road bikes with either 25 or 28 mm tires as the best
choice of equipment. Please bring big gearing as a couple of the ramps on
the Vista Ridge climb approach 15%.

We will have well stocked aid stations and mechanical support provided by
the stellar crew at Mt. View Cycles. Packet pickup is available on Friday
night July 7th from 4-7 PM at Mt. View Cycles in Hood River or on ride day,
Saturday July 8th from 8-10 AM at Hutson Park. So what are you waiting
for. Sign up and ride before these roads are gone! More info at Mt. Hood

Chad and Crew