our de Dung Race series - March 10 and 17 - SIGN UP NOW

Mike Hone


Oregon racers, would love to have you guys come up and race the Tour de
Dung series...


We are one week away from racing and barely anyone has signed up for the
race... If you want to have a successful racing season, I would hope you
would get signed up soon. There are a lot of folks working on this race for
all of you. Signing up before the race helps gauge us on how many will
attend. Day of registration makes it hard. If we get a poor turnout on Race
1, we most likely will cancel Race 2. So it is up to you guys to keep
racing alive in Washington.

Here are the current participants for racing:

Mens Cat 1/2 - *6*

Mens 3 - *11*

Mens 4 - *8*

Mens 5 - *8*

Mens Masters 35+ Cat 1/2/3 - *10*

Mens Master 40+ Cat 4/5 - *21*

Women Pro/Cat 1/2/3 - *2*

Women Cat 4/5 -* 5*

We are one week away have have a very low turnout. It would be very
appreciative that folks start signing up.

For us to put on a successful race, we need racers. If this is going to be
the start to the season with low participation, then our racing calendar is
in trouble.


There is a new staging area too.

*NEW Start/Finish*

*Dungeness Community Church *

*45 Eberle Lane, Sequim, WA 98382



*The Tour de Dung Series is back for 2018! *

Pre-register now as we have some fantastic prizes and cash to give away at
the races! In addition, those who pre-register early for both races via USA
Cycling and compete will be eligible to win a pair of *Master & Dynamic
MW60 headphones valued at $549.00* and a bike fit by Edge & Spoke Redmond.

*Tour de Dung #1 - March 10*

Register at:


Join the Facebook event page to stay up-to-date!


*Tour de Dung #2 - March 17*

Register at:


Join the Facebook event to stay up-to-date!



​M: 206.660.7359​

12421 SE 25th Pl
Bellevue, WA 98005