Need officials to list their availability

Candi Murray


If you are available to work some of the upcoming races, please go to the google sheet and update it by putting your name in.

If you can’t get to the document send your list to me and I will get it done.

Thanks as always,


Assistant Director, OBRA

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This message was sent to Aaron Hoppe, Adam Bergerson, Adam Nicholas, Andrea Fisk, Bob Cutter, Brad Ross, Brian Abers, Brian Duhon, Brian List, Candi Murray, Chad Wikander, Christopher Fudge, Christopher Wood, Colin Gibson, Colleen Douglas, Cooper Irwin, Dan Grabski, Dan Scofield, Dave Reitz, Dave Roth, David Burke, Devon Alvarez, Dirk Alenduff, Ed Lanton, Edward Lanton, Emily Marshall, eriel hoffmeier, Forest Wilson, Hazel Gross, Heather Johnson, Ian Kyle, Jeb Hendrix, Jeff Baertsch, Jen Featheringill, Jeniffer Tunay, Jennifer Collins, John Davis, John Klupar, John Wilson, Jon Ragsdale, jordan staples, Josh Nelson, Joshua Johansen, Juston Manville, Kelli Schauer, Kevin Blair, Kevin Saborit-Guasch, Kristina Cutter, Kyle Roberts, Laura Trace, Leah Padaca, Linda Watts, linger linger, Lisa Lisa, Lynne Langrell, Mack Stilson, Manny Marquez, Maria Patla, Matt Martinez, Matthew Barney, Matthew Barney, Maxwell Merkle, Melanie Rathe, Michelle Mercer, Mielle Blomberg, Mike Hilbrandt, Mike Murray, Miles Crumley, Misty Mitchell, Neil Green, niina jamsja, Nils Tillstrom, Pam Reid, Peter Werner, Quinn Keogh, Ricardo Medina, Robyn Pfeifer, Rod Mitchell, Sarah Tisdale, Saralinka Rejholec, Scott Jones, Seth Patla, Susannah Hart, Terri Camp, Tom Orth, and Virginia Xing.

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