Thursday Night Track - Race Schedule 5/10

Adam Angert


Thursday Night Track Racing tonight!

Registration at 5:30pm - Racing at 6:30pm
Adult $15 - $5 Junior - Cash or Card on-site ($0.50 Service Charge for Card Payments)
Rental bikes available for $5

OBRA Membership required and available on-site

Check us out on the social medias - IG @thursnighttrack

Due to the short daylight hours we'll run Category 1/2/3, 3/4 and 4/5. As the days get longer we'll add more categories as needed.


Kiddie Kilo
Category 3/4 ��� Old School Tempo - 15 laps
Category 4/5 ��� Old School Tempo - 10 laps
Category 1/2/3 ��� Old School Tempo - 20 laps

Category 3/4 ��� Scratch Race ��� 20 laps
Category 4/5 - Scratch Race ��� 10 laps
Category 1/2/3 - Scratch Race ��� 30 laps

Category 3/4 ��� Points Race ��� 6x5
Category 4/5 - Points Race ��� 4x5
Category 1/2/3 - Points Race ��� 4x10

Event Rules:

Old School Tempo ��� The first rider across the line every lap earns 2 points, the second rider earns 1 point. A rider earns 4 points for taking a lap on the field and loses 20 points for going down a lap. The rider with the most points at the end of the race wins. Ties are broken by the finish sprint.

Scratch Race - The basic track race. All riders race for a set number of laps. A bell rings with one lap to go. The first rider across the line wins.

Points Race - A predetermined number of sprints occur at set intervals. For example, a 6x5 points race will have 6 sprints every 5 laps. A bell rings with one lap to go before each sprint. Points are awarded to the top 4 riders across the line for each sprint (5,3,2,1), the last sprint has double points (10,6,4,2). Riders are awarded 20 points if they lap the field or have 20 points subtracted if they lose a lap to the main field. The rider with the most points at the end of the race wins. Ties are broken by the finish sprint.