Women's race cancellation

Chuck Kenlan


Good morning OBRA members,

I had the chance to spend the day at Cascade Locks yesterday; pretty epic conditions. First of all, kudos to the Cyclocross Crusade staff. They do an amazing job creating challenging courses and creating a culture of inclusion, respect and unbridled fun. And, congratulations to all the winners and to everyone that challenged themselves to compete with fairness and respect to their fellow racers.

I want to address the cancellation of the 2:10 race. No one ever wants to see this. The only reason the race was cancelled was due to lightening. I saw a strike that was less than a quarter mile away and was worried for everyone's safety, as well as my own. A chief referee's primary responsibility is for the safety of the riders followed by enforcing the racing rules to create a fair playing field. I believe that Chief Referee Terri Camp, the other officials and the crew of the Cyclocross Crusade made a difficult decision but also the correct decision. The OBRA racing rules, under the duties of the Chief Referee state in rule 3.5.1:"If necessary, alter the conditions of any race in the interest of safety, including cancellation of a race if necessary." I know many people traveled to the race and put many hours of training and preparation to be there. I understand the disappointment but please, understand that the CC crew, officials and the spectators are disappointed as well.

I look forward to seeing everyone in Bend next week. Who knows, maybe it will snow...

Chuck Kenlan
Executive Director