FW: Help for Jessi and Ryan

Candi Murray



From: Strong, Nicole [mailto:Nicole.Strong@oregonstate.edu]

Dear family and friends of Ryan and Jessi,

In an effort to streamline the dissemination of updates on Ryan's health, as
well as to coordinate our own efforts to do SOMETHING, as I know we all so
badly want to, I am going to act as a contact point for information and


Jessi and her family are warmed, but kind of overwhelmed by all the phone
calls and visits. Information and updates will be provided on the Caring
Bridge website. I just set this up, rather quickly, but hope it will be a
tool that Jessi can use when she gets to a computer. The website is
http://www.caringbridge.org/cb/visitAPage.do and the name is "ryanmcknab".
Thank you Jen Edwards for this idea! I will try to update it daily until
Jessi can take over. If you have information you want posted, please email
me. You can also write tributes on this website.


1. Donate to a OHSU food card so that Jessi and her family can get real,
healthful nourishment there. Judy Richardson set up an account. Call (503)
494-3768, ask for George and donate to #94047 under Jessi Brunson's name.

2. Make dinner for Jessi and family once they get back to Corvallis. Contact
Elizabeth Martin (541) 829-1544 or email martieli@science.oregonstate.edu

3. Teresa Holterman is looking to set up an account where we can make
donations for hotel and other hospital expenses. Please stay tuned.

4. Keep up the positive thoughts! We are in a frustrating waiting phase
while the doctors give Ryan some critical healing time.

5. If you would like to send a card or anything else, the address is:

OHSU hospital, adult ICU

attn: Ryan McKnab, patient

3181 SW Sam Jackson Pk Road

Portland, OR 97239

I will let you know of more opportunities and updates as they occur. If you
would like someone added to this list, please let me know.

Much love to all of you as we work to support two of the most energetic
positive and strong people I am honored to know.

Nicole Strong