Hatfield Ponds Gravel Circuit Series: Overall: Category 2 Women 40-49

Updated 13 Apr 07:05

Not a calculation category

Shelly Boelter

Event Category Date Points
10 Sisters Stampede Category 2 Women 40-49 5/28 Not a calculation category 0

Margi Bradway

Event Category Date Points
7 Sisters Stampede Category 2 Women 40-49 5/28 Not a calculation category 0
2 Alsea Falls XC Category 2 Women 40-49 8/5 Not a calculation category 0

Renee Casterline

Event Category Date Points
4 Mudslinger Category 2 Women 40-49 4/1 Not a calculation category 0

Jessica Chon

Event Category Date Points
2 Sisters Stampede Category 2 Women 40-49 5/28 Not a calculation category 0

Barbara Culver

Event Category Date Points
10 Echo Red to Red Category 2 Women 40-49 3/25 Not a calculation category 0
1 Spence Mountain Mayhem Category 2 Women 40-49 6/18 Not a calculation category 0
5 Alsea Falls XC Category 2 Women 40-49 8/5 Not a calculation category 0

Erica Davis

Event Category Date Points
9 Sisters Stampede Category 2 Women 40-49 5/28 Not a calculation category 0

Nikki Dinger

Event Category Date Points
1 Sisters Stampede Category 2 Women 40-49 5/28 Not a calculation category 0

Sonja Ebert

Event Category Date Points
1 Mudslinger Category 2 Women 40-49 4/1 Not a calculation category 0
1 Coast Hills Classic MTB Race Category 2 Women 40-49 4/30 Not a calculation category 0
1 Silver Falls XC Mountain Bike Race Category 2 Women 40-49 5/20 Not a calculation category 0
1 Alpine Epic XC MTB Endurance Race Category 2 Women 40-49 6/10 Not a calculation category 0
1 Washougal XC (OBRA XC Championships MTB) Category 2 Women 40-49 7/30 Not a calculation category 0
3 Alsea Falls XC Category 2 Women 40-49 8/5 Not a calculation category 0

Jessica Gill

Event Category Date Points
2 Silver Falls XC Mountain Bike Race Category 2 Women 40-49 5/20 Not a calculation category 0

Sari Hargand

Event Category Date Points
4 Echo Red to Red Category 2 Women 40-49 3/25 Not a calculation category 0
2 Mudslinger Category 2 Women 40-49 4/1 Not a calculation category 0
3 Silver Falls XC Mountain Bike Race Category 2 Women 40-49 5/20 Not a calculation category 0
DNF Washougal XC (OBRA XC Championships MTB) Category 2 Women 40-49 7/30 Not a calculation category 0

Megan Horst

Event Category Date Points
6 Echo Red to Red Category 2 Women 40-49 3/25 Not a calculation category 0

Laurie Kemmerer

Event Category Date Points
17 Sisters Stampede Category 2 Women 40-49 5/28 Not a calculation category 0

Jill Liddle

Event Category Date Points
15 Sisters Stampede Category 2 Women 40-49 5/28 Not a calculation category 0

Katie Linton

Event Category Date Points
16 Sisters Stampede Category 2 Women 40-49 5/28 Not a calculation category 0

Marie Major

Event Category Date Points
11 Echo Red to Red Category 2 Women 40-49 3/25 Not a calculation category 0
12 Sisters Stampede Category 2 Women 40-49 5/28 Not a calculation category 0
2 Washougal XC (OBRA XC Championships MTB) Category 2 Women 40-49 7/30 Not a calculation category 0

Kelly Nelson

Event Category Date Points
3 Spence Mountain Mayhem Category 2 Women 40-49 6/18 Not a calculation category 0

Lindsay Peters

Event Category Date Points
3 Echo Red to Red Category 2 Women 40-49 3/25 Not a calculation category 0
6 Sisters Stampede Category 2 Women 40-49 5/28 Not a calculation category 0

Jaime Kathleen Reed

Event Category Date Points
5 Echo Red to Red Category 2 Women 40-49 3/25 Not a calculation category 0
4 Sisters Stampede Category 2 Women 40-49 5/28 Not a calculation category 0
4 Alsea Falls XC Category 2 Women 40-49 8/5 Not a calculation category 0

Kimberly Sass

Event Category Date Points
8 Echo Red to Red Category 2 Women 40-49 3/25 Not a calculation category 0
8 Sisters Stampede Category 2 Women 40-49 5/28 Not a calculation category 0
4 Washougal XC (OBRA XC Championships MTB) Category 2 Women 40-49 7/30 Not a calculation category 0

Caroline Sheftel

Event Category Date Points
3 Coast Hills Classic MTB Race Category 2 Women 40-49 4/30 Not a calculation category 0

Danielle Smestad

Event Category Date Points
2 Spence Mountain Mayhem Category 2 Women 40-49 6/18 Not a calculation category 0

Yadi Spangenberg

Event Category Date Points
1 Echo Red to Red Category 2 Women 40-49 3/25 Not a calculation category 0

Dani Stiles

Event Category Date Points
2 Echo Red to Red Category 2 Women 40-49 3/25 Not a calculation category 0
3 Mudslinger Category 2 Women 40-49 4/1 Not a calculation category 0
DNF Coast Hills Classic MTB Race Category 2 Women 40-49 4/30 Not a calculation category 0
5 Sisters Stampede Category 2 Women 40-49 5/28 Not a calculation category 0
2 Alpine Epic XC MTB Endurance Race Category 2 Women 40-49 6/10 Not a calculation category 0
3 Washougal XC (OBRA XC Championships MTB) Category 2 Women 40-49 7/30 Not a calculation category 0
1 Alsea Falls XC Category 2 Women 40-49 8/5 Not a calculation category 0

Kara Tennant

Event Category Date Points
11 Sisters Stampede Category 2 Women 40-49 5/28 Not a calculation category 0

Lisa Timmerman

Event Category Date Points
7 Echo Red to Red Category 2 Women 40-49 3/25 Not a calculation category 0
14 Sisters Stampede Category 2 Women 40-49 5/28 Not a calculation category 0

Sarah Umberhandt

Event Category Date Points
9 Echo Red to Red Category 2 Women 40-49 3/25 Not a calculation category 0
2 Coast Hills Classic MTB Race Category 2 Women 40-49 4/30 Not a calculation category 0
4 Silver Falls XC Mountain Bike Race Category 2 Women 40-49 5/20 Not a calculation category 0
13 Sisters Stampede Category 2 Women 40-49 5/28 Not a calculation category 0
3 Alpine Epic XC MTB Endurance Race Category 2 Women 40-49 6/10 Not a calculation category 0
DNF Alsea Falls XC Category 2 Women 40-49 8/5 Not a calculation category 0

Krista Voytilla

Event Category Date Points
3 Sisters Stampede Category 2 Women 40-49 5/28 Not a calculation category 0

Missie Wikler

Event Category Date Points
18 Sisters Stampede Category 2 Women 40-49 5/28 Not a calculation category 0