Montinore Schedule

craig austin


Dylan FTW! Thank you.


On Thu, May 3, 2018 at 2:54 PM, Dylan Wiggins via OBRA

> Brad you've been invited by multiple people to reach out directly to the
> promoters with your input and concerns, did you do that? What was the
> outcome?
> It appears to this bystander that you went straight to public shaming and
> aren't interested in any process for real change. I suggest that since you
> are burdened with the knowledge of what makes The One True Perfect Bike
> Race, you should put on your own race and do it your way. And if you don't
> have the time or resources to give to the community like all the other
> promoters, then at least contact them and share your wisdom. Be the change
> you wish to see in the world. Until then, it seems like someone is throwing
> a huge house party at their lake house and invited everyone and you are
> telling everyone it's gonna suck because you'd rather play pin the tail on
> the donkey AFTER bobbing for apples.
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Dylan Wiggins


Brad you've been invited by multiple people to reach out directly to the promoters with your input and concerns, did you do that? What was the outcome?

It appears to this bystander that you went straight to public shaming and aren't interested in any process for real change. I suggest that since you are burdened with the knowledge of what makes The One True Perfect Bike Race, you should put on your own race and do it your way. And if you don't have the time or resources to give to the community like all the other promoters, then at least contact them and share your wisdom. Be the change you wish to see in the world. Until then, it seems like someone is throwing a huge house party at their lake house and invited everyone and you are telling everyone it's gonna suck because you'd rather play pin the tail on the donkey AFTER bobbing for apples.

Brad Petersen


I guess we'll just see what start time has more participants on Saturday

But spare me the accusations of "promotor bashing". Never once specifically
called them out. They are putting on races to meet our interests as racers.
We drive the culture at large (categories we choose, entry fees we're
willing to pay, courses we like to ride, etc..)

The reaction I've seen from racers, not promoters, as they circle the
wagons around the status quo is why road racing is declining. Personally
I'll be happy to see it go to make way for a more positive culture in the
future. Hope promoters have the patience to ride it out.

Don't really have more to say about this.

On Thu, May 3, 2018 at 09:52 Matt Ritzow wrote:

> I think your assumptions on rider preferences are as misguided as your
> rush to publicly judge race promoters for gender bias.
> On Wed, May 2, 2018 at 12:25 PM, Brad Petersen via OBRA <
>> wrote:
>> Matt, well apparently the 200+ folks that show up for 8-10am mass start
>> rides at locations 1-3 hr drives away from Portland area feel differently
>> about what is an ideal time.
>> Thank you Suzy, as not being involved with that race beyond spectating I
>> didn't reach out directly although it is a bummer that if I do come by the
>> in morning I won't be able to see the women's race. Hope it's a great day
>> of racing for those that make it out!
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>> OBRA mailing list
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> --
> Matt Ritzow
> General Manager/Partner Owner
> Bicycle Way of Life Inc.
> 556 Charnelton St.
> Eugene, Or. 97401
> 541-393-0147
> 541-344-4105
> [image: cid:image001.png@01D100F8.B02550E0] @bwol_racing

Matt Ritzow


I think your assumptions on rider preferences are as misguided as your rush
to publicly judge race promoters for gender bias.

On Wed, May 2, 2018 at 12:25 PM, Brad Petersen via OBRA

> Matt, well apparently the 200+ folks that show up for 8-10am mass start
> rides at locations 1-3 hr drives away from Portland area feel differently
> about what is an ideal time.
> Thank you Suzy, as not being involved with that race beyond spectating I
> didn't reach out directly although it is a bummer that if I do come by the
> in morning I won't be able to see the women's race. Hope it's a great day
> of racing for those that make it out!
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Matt Ritzow
General Manager/Partner Owner
Bicycle Way of Life Inc.
556 Charnelton St.
Eugene, Or. 97401
[image: cid:image001.png@01D100F8.B02550E0] @bwol_racing

Brad Petersen


Matt, well apparently the 200+ folks that show up for 8-10am mass start rides at locations 1-3 hr drives away from Portland area feel differently about what is an ideal time.

Thank you Suzy, as not being involved with that race beyond spectating I didn't reach out directly although it is a bummer that if I do come by the in morning I won't be able to see the women's race. Hope it's a great day of racing for those that make it out!

Another promoter having to defend themselves against questions on why their race doesn���t meet every wish of every single rider. This is really frustrating.

Show up, race, have fun. Then, find any one of the dozens of people there making it happen for you and say, ���thank you.���

And, yes, I believe most promoters are like Suzy. They welcome your constructive input on how to make their event better. But do it personally.

Think about it...they���ve spent who knows how many hours, and put their own money at risk, to put their event on. And you���re going on a public forum to announce that all their time, effort and sacrifice wasn���t good enough.

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 1, 2018, at 11:51 PM, Suzy Nelson via OBRA wrote:
> Dear Brad et. al.,
> If you have any questions or real concerns about our road race we welcome you to direct them to us personally. I have been intimately involved in the planning of this race and am more than happy to share the thought process behind every inch of the design of it, including the schedule. You will find my contact information on the flyer.
> Sincerely,
> Suzy Nelson
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Suzy Nelson


Dear Brad et. al.,

If you have any questions or real concerns about our road race we welcome you to direct them to us personally. I have been intimately involved in the planning of this race and am more than happy to share the thought process behind every inch of the design of it, including the schedule. You will find my contact information on the flyer.

Suzy Nelson

Matt Ritzow


I'm not sure how anyone could view a 9am start as prime time, traveling
from Eugene it often means being in the car no later than 6am. I would
love to be traveling to afternoon races in the warmest part of the day.

On Mon, Apr 30, 2018 at 11:04 PM, Brad Petersen via OBRA wrote:

> (I know they do podiums after the afternoon races. If you think it's NBD
> that the 1/2/3 women wait around till the venue is a ghost town then we're
> on different wavelengths.)
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Matt Ritzow
General Manager/Partner Owner
Bicycle Way of Life Inc.
556 Charnelton St.
Eugene, Or. 97401
[image: cid:image001.png@01D100F8.B02550E0] @bwol_racing

Brad Petersen


(I know they do podiums after the afternoon races. If you think it's NBD that the 1/2/3 women wait around till the venue is a ghost town then we're on different wavelengths.)

Brad Petersen


Glad to see Montinore stating equal payout... now if only they had the women actually race before the awards break ��\_(���)_/��

Not surprising that so few gals want to be out racing till 4pm while the large bulk of racers have already been slobbering over their Strava for a few hours. Equality means more than just the number on a check.

(don't @ me, lol)