STP registration, one late one available!

Noel Snodgrass


I'll admit, STP can be fun.
Done it a number of times, always enjoyed it.
204 miles in the rain? Sign me up!!!
10,000 people on the road on bicycles? That's a hoot! Actually, with the right mind set, it really is.

So here's the deal:
My Brother in Law in Seattle has a transferable (RARE!) registration available to the right person.
Trick is, needs to be done this week.
Let me know if you're up for it and I'll make the connection for you.
And no, I've no idea how he got it. You know those people who make bids at silent auctions at ridiculous prices or buy the raffle ticket and win the trip to Disneyland? Yeah, he's that guy. Well, his wife is, he just got lucky.

And before the scoffers do their thing (they will, it may still be a free country for a while) consider that Seattle Cycling does a ton of work politically and communally, and this ride provides a huge amount of their funding.

Rubber side down!