2018 Worthy Brewing Crit Series - Final Race!

Matthew Lasala


The FINAL race of the series is *THIS SUNDAY* 8/5/18! A few important

- The race schedule is slightly different than the Wednesday races so
make sure you check out the times here
. We have a bit
more time between races in order to do final series podiums/awards after
each race.
- Series awards are based on your best 5 of 6 race finishes and current
standings are on our website here
(click on
series standings) with prizes going to the top 3 in each category.
- We have a theme for Sunday's final race and with the recent summer
heat wave, we thought "*Day At The Beach*" would be appropriate (thanks
Karen Kenlan for the suggestion). Come dressed up and race in appropriate
beach clothes or costumes and the best outfits will receive prizes (judged
by myself and OBRA ED Chuck Kenlan).
- This TFG Racing's final event (*ever!*) so come help us go out with a

Hope to see you racing on Sunday!

[image: photo]
*Matthew Lasala & Chuck Kenlan*
TFG Racing

541-419-9780 | matthew@tfgracing.com
