Photos From Grand Prix Carl Decker: Het Meet

Mike Estes


First time racing for me at Het Meer, it was memorable. I raced Cat 5, and them wandered around with my camera and took these shots.

If you use my photo on your social media.

Rule 1. Please mention me, @m_estes on Instagram or Twitter. (Facebook, I don't exist on that platform, so I don't care about it so much there)
Rule 2. Slide me a dollar or two- Photography isn't cheap, nor is the time downloading, labeling, retouching a few, and then creating a Google Drive file to share with you all. I also like goodies in the form of "animal free' or wearable items (XL, giant here)
Rule 3. Encourage more women and firends to race bikes- bring a friend to the next race, its how I ended up here.

See you all the Blind Date No. 2!