FS L/XL Kona Major Jake & XL SS All City Nature Boy CX Bikes

Kris Celtnieks


Selling these two bikes to make some room in my shed. I don't see myself racing CX this year so I'd rather see them get ridden.

See links below for photos. I barely rode the Nature Boy since I am a CAT 3 and the SS races are at the same time...

I would be willing to drop to 300.00 on the Kona and 600.00 for the All-City for OBRA members.

Kona: https://portland.craigslist.org/mlt/bik/6695394061.html

All-City: https://portland.craigslist.org/mlt/bik/6695394061.html

Let me know if you would like to see them in person!