Cross Culture...a gentle reminder

Brad Davidson


Heckling isn't the same as being a jerk. If you can't tell the difference,
maybe skip it for now.

I'm also curious about how a beginner ended up on the course with a Cat 1/2
rider, but regardless of the situation, rudeness isn't acceptable and is a
great way to drive folks away from the sport. Although, given the size of
some of the Masters fields, some folks might be under the mistaken
impression that the sport could use a few less riders.


On Mon, Sep 17, 2018, 04:02 Will via OBRA wrote:

> heckling isn't cross culture?
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Hugh Givens


I actually laughed a bit about this on Saturday: Paul, Ron, and I must have apologized to each other half a dozen times during our race for dabbing and forcing the others to dismount or take awkward lines.

OK, yeah, that was mostly me causing problems. I was having a not-so-good race -- mechanically and bio-mechanically. But it sure made it more pleasant to have confidently polite and encouraging riders around.

Collectively, the three of us probably have well over 100 years of racing under our spandex. I guess by now our egos have figured out we're not going pro any time soon. Might as well have fun!

Aaron A


Agreed. There is an obvious line between good natured heckling and being cruel. Cycling can be an intimidating sport for new riders to participate in, and one offhand comment can be enough to make someone feel like they don't belong/aren't welcome.

We do this for fun. Be welcoming, be encouraging. Especially to new riders!

heckling isn't cross culture?

The issue is not what category you or anyone thinks she should be racing.

Steve Westberg


So if I read this correctly and she was racing with Cat 1/2 men, that would mean she was racing Cat 1/2 Women? Her first race should have been in a different and more appropriate class as you cannot self-upgrade to Cat 2.

Tony Pawley


That's exactly why I haven't tried 'cross yet, the loons come out even more than at road races. After my experience at Baker on stage 2 (uphill TT) where some guy decided he could shout in my face that I needed to do this or do that, I responded for him to leave me alone. His response aas horrid and unacceptable, and threatening. He said I should learn more about TT to be faster and he was a total D*** too, little does he know I have 23 screws and five rods in my leg. Typical PDX or Willamette Valley guy, I have seen him and his crew before and they DID NOTHING.

I look forward to nest years race again, 'cuz if this happens my TT stops halfway up the hill so we can have a serious chat or more this next time Or do I just call the cops and call it good? Hmm, what next at a cross race is someone going to have to deal with too?

Brent Mattison


Reader warning: I'm about to step on a relax and enjoy your coffee for like 30secs

I really like cyclocross. I enjoy the people, the camaraderie, the culture, and the atmosphere that only a cross race can cultivate. Cross racing is about having fun, spending QT time with your people, suffering, getting wet/muddy/cold, being miserable, drinking beer, forgetting about the misery, hanging out with your "fake" cycling team, and cheering your face off for everyone around you (probably in that order).

Quick story. My girlfriend jumped into her first ever cross race this week. As you might expect (if you recall your fist race), she was a bit nervous rolling up to the start line. I vouched for my fellow racers and promised her that the everyone would be cool. That wasn't her experience, everyone wasn't cool. She was greeted by "learn how to ride your bike" from some Cat 1/2 Men's 35+ who had something to prove to the 8 guys he was racing. Great job on finishing in the top....wait, nobody cares.

So, as a gentle reminder, there is no scenario where it's okay to be anything but respectful to your fellow racers. You're race isn't more important than anyone else's. As we enter our most favorite time of the year, let this post server as a gentle reminder of why we love cyclocross, what it represents to our cycling community, and the importance of treating your fellow racers with respect.

Be cool, that's all.