Zaaldercross Thanks and Lost & Found

Bill Goritski


Well, another edition of Zaaldercross has come and gone. Thanks to all the enthusiastic racers who came out on saturday to support the race which will again allow us to make a nice donation to p:ear. Our "tireless" crew of volunteers really stepped up and made it a great day. As always, the OBRA officiating crew was crazy efficient, fun, and hard working. Kudos. Special shout out to Bonnie Rosenfeld, our OBRA medical pro, who deftly handled things and David Hart for his eleventh hour registration heroics. Also, we have a couple of wheel sets which were left behind. Let us know if they're yours. Finally, we still have a handful of t-shirts for anyone who might want one. Give us a shout or look for the Rebound/Tireless tent at Ninkrossi