On Your Left

Steve Scarich


Age-old question. I have tried everything but a bell. Saying 'on your left' results in them moving to their left about half the time. I stay silent now, try not to pass real fast, and give a bit of room for them to wobble. I did a big ride around Crater Lake last weekend, probably passed 500 people in 3 hours. Since the road was closed, and many riders were pretty inexperienced, it was a bit sketchy, so I said Hi as I I approached if they were blocking me. That allowed them to move over, on their own terms (usually to their right). I did have one 'funny' experience on a very fast two-lane highway a month ago. Guy was riding a nice bike, had on a helmet mirror, and was blocking the whole shoulder by riding near the fog line. I accelerated so I would pass him quickly, and spend a minimum time in the car lane. I continued on, and he made a giant, out of breath effort, to catch me in about a minute, and chastize me for not saying 'on your left'. I replied (I know, it was immature), 'Well, I figured, with that mirror, you saw me coming'. There is no right answer, but staying silent and deadly works for me.