
Mike Murray


I don't know about driving behavior of the people using the OBRA trailer in
Bend but I do know about the events there. There are still 9 days of racing
to be held in Bend this year. Grand total there were 36 days of bike racing
and one instructional clinic arranged through OBRA in Bend. Looks like you
were wrong.

OBRA did not sell the old truck. It was donated as it was not cost effective
to repair. I am very surprised that it is still drivable much less being
driven. It hadn't been licensed for several years when OBRA got rid of it.
It was only being used to haul the officiating trailer to the finish line at
PIR, a trip of only a few hundred yards. It finally became unable to do even
that. When it was towed away from PIR I expected that it would be junked.

Mike Murray

-----Original Message-----
From: OBRA [] On Behalf Of Steve Scarich
via OBRA
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 09:26
Subject: [OBRA Chat] Truck

I just assumed that OBRA would not sell its equipment without painting over
the logo. Just asking for bad driving behavior being blamed on OBRA.
Example: there is currently an OBRA trailer over in Bend, where I believe
there are no OBRA events (I could be wrong about that). Yesterday, I saw
the current holder of the OBRA trailer driving like a maniac, 40 mph towing
a trailer, in the center lane trying to merge. Totally illegal behavior.
OBRA mailing list

Steve Scarich


Chuck...I should have been clearer. Most of this year's races in Bend will not be happening next year. Maybe a few TT's and MTB races, which require very little equipment. OBRA might want to consolidate some of its equipment and save some money.


Chuck Kenlan



It is my understanding that the old truck was taken to a scrap yard (apparently to be scrapped). Someone bought it from the scrap yard.

There were 23 races in Bend that used the OBRA trailer in 2018. It has made promoting races in Central Oregon al lot easier for the few here that put on races. The Promotors in Central Oregon pay the OBRA equipment fee. The trailer is kept at the Bend Endurance Academy and managed by Bill Warburton, BEA's cycling director - thank you Bill!

Steve Scarich


I just assumed that OBRA would not sell its equipment without painting over the logo. Just asking for bad driving behavior being blamed on OBRA. Example: there is currently an OBRA trailer over in Bend, where I believe there are no OBRA events (I could be wrong about that). Yesterday, I saw the current holder of the OBRA trailer driving like a maniac, 40 mph towing a trailer, in the center lane trying to merge. Totally illegal behavior.

Jon Ragsdale


There is a retired OBRA truck that lives near Rocky Butte that I've seen on the East Side. OBRA donated it to a group a while ago and somebody bought it from them and uses it.

> On September 24, 2018 at 7:20 PM Keith Solano via OBRA wrote:
> Hey is obra...missing a truck? Just saw one drive down my street. I don't see obra trucks out here on 160th and burnside at all let alone in a neighborhood.
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Jon Ragsdale


There is an old OBRA truck that lives in NE Portland that I see all over the East Side of town. It was donated by OBRA and then somebody bought it and uses it.

> On September 24, 2018 at 7:20 PM Keith Solano via OBRA wrote:
> Hey is obra...missing a truck? Just saw one drive down my street. I don't see obra trucks out here on 160th and burnside at all let alone in a neighborhood.
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Keith Solano


Hey is obra...missing a truck? Just saw one drive down my street. I don't see obra trucks out here on 160th and burnside at all let alone in a neighborhood.