Thank you GPCD

ronald strasser


Promoters, volunteers, sponsors and officials have again provided a super
fun and challenging chapter in the 2018 cyclocross season. Each course has
been an individual environment to challenge our skills. I was impressed
how smooth each race unfolded because of great effort put in by those
involved. Today at Heiser was a perfect example of one of the great
courses. Blind Date and Trophy Cup are each superb series. Each is so
unique! I have to assume the other series have been nothing but amazing as
well, so hats off to the OBRA community for giving us places to Gevenalle!
The Cyclocross Crusade promises to be the normal amazing series (are we
spoiled?) that we have come to expect. Not once in my years have I not
liked a course they offered up. Looking forward to more great times and
hard efforts with great people.
These series are not in competition with each other. Each is an
outstanding offering for us racers to test our skill and engage with
others. And by the way....some of those young 60+ racers sure are speedy.