ronald strasser
In a perfect world everyone would have a massive, positive crowd cheering
them on when playing in that "big game" or racing that "big race". Truth
is that just does not always happen. Unlike grade school where everyone
gets big cheers and a ribbon, real life can be more mundane. I race where
and when they place me in the schedule. I might prefer another
times, but it is what it is. If I race early and "really" want to hang
around to watch later races, I will do so. If I have other obligations, I
race and leave. I would think that the top level racers appreciate a big
crowd and cheering, but also are so committed to what they have chosen to
do... crowds size is not what is going to make them choose to do a race or
not. They are either looking for the competition or maybe points in a
series. They will be at that race either mid day or last race, just as the
people who really want to watch that or any given race time slot
there. The truth is....there are fewer people racing cross than 10 years
ago. I say this based on what I have seen, not on actual numbers of racers
provided by obra. Just my feeling and opinion. Oh. Tomorrow is
BARTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes! Early or late...Barton is a challenge.
And the addition of the lovely east wind. Be there if you can make it
happen. ron
On Sat, Nov 17, 2018 at 5:19 AM Devin Bailly via OBRA
> Hi Kevin/OBRA at large,
> I had thought of the concert analogy myself. However, I decided it
> doesn't apply to a CX race.
> People going to a concert are OBSERVERS. Most people going to a CX race
> are PARTICIPANTS (who happen to be observers of other races too).
> Also, a concert lasts only a few hours. People can choose to skip the
> opening act if they want, and just arrive for the "headliner".
> In contrast, a CX race lasts ALL DAY. Consider the CX racer who shows up
> for their own race at 8:30, 9:25, 10:25 etc. They can't skip the opening
> act. They ARE the opening act.
> And they are much more likely to stick around and watch the "Main Event"
> if it's at 1:10 than if it's at 3:05.
> If the goal of promoter is to provide an opportunity for the maximum
> number of people to cheer on the 1/2 race, holding it at 3:05 is
> absolutely, without question, indubitably counter-productive.
> I agree with Danny and others that swapping the 1/2 and the 2/3/SS race
> back the arrangement of 3 years ago is overall beneficial to the CX
> community.
> There are additional reasons I've pondered but I'll save that for another
> post.
> I posit it would behoove OBRA and/or promoters to create a survey to seek
> the "Voice of the Customer" on this issue (and others for which they may be
> needing guidance). This would be a great WINTER-time side project after
> #crossisover. I'd even be willing to help construct and distribute the
> survey if helpful. But for the time being, I'm looking forward to closing
> out the great cross season by valuing the amazing service that promoters
> and OBRA provide during the few remaining races.
> Oh and I don't understand your second comment. Bib numbers are a non
> issue if the 1:10 and 3:05 races are just swapped back to previous
> arrangement as proposed.
> On Fri, Nov 16, 2018 at 5:03 PM kevin thompson via OBRA <
>> wrote:
>> Analogy.
>> Would Led Zeppelin open for Tommy Tutone?
>> If smaller races want to use the weekend bib numbers (and keep costs
>> down) they need to use the same schedule.
>> kt
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