Matthew Westermeyer

Event Category Date
77 Cross Crusade Category C 11/15
68 Cross Crusade Category C 11/8
83 Cross Crusade Category C 10/25
60 Blind Date at the Dairy Men C 10/14
28 Blind Date at the Dairy Men C 10/7
84 Cross Crusade Category C 10/4
39 Blind Date at the Dairy Men C 9/30
48 Battle at Barlow Men C 9/27
42 Blind Date at the Dairy Men C 9/23

1515th — 2009 Ironman

Event Category Date Points
42 Blind Date at the Dairy Men C 9/23 1
48 Battle at Barlow Men C 9/27 1
39 Blind Date at the Dairy Men C 9/30 1
84 Cross Crusade Category C 10/4 1
28 Blind Date at the Dairy Men C 10/7 1
60 Blind Date at the Dairy Men C 10/14 1
83 Cross Crusade Category C 10/25 1
68 Cross Crusade Category C 11/8 1
77 Cross Crusade Category C 11/15 1


Damascus, OR







Not a current member