Marc Riera

Event Category Date
38 Blind Date at the Dairy Masters 35+ C 10/20
40 Blind Date at the Dairy Category B 10/20
DNF Cross Crusade: Sherwood Forest Equestrian Center Masters 35+ B 10/17
102 Cross Crusade: Sherwood Forest Equestrian Center Category C 10/17
103 Cross Crusade: Alpenrose Dairy Masters 35+ B 10/3
49 Battle at Barlow Masters 35+ B 9/26
DNF Franz Bakery Criterium Category 3 8/21
36 Portland Twilight Crit Category 3 8/13

1697th — 2010 Ironman

Event Category Date Points
36 Portland Twilight Crit Category 3 8/13 1
DNF Franz Bakery Criterium Category 3 8/21 1
49 Battle at Barlow Masters 35+ B 9/26 1
103 Cross Crusade: Alpenrose Dairy Masters 35+ B 10/3 1
102 Cross Crusade: Sherwood Forest Equestrian Center Category C 10/17 1
DNF Cross Crusade: Sherwood Forest Equestrian Center Masters 35+ B 10/17 1
40 Blind Date at the Dairy Category B 10/20 1
38 Blind Date at the Dairy Masters 35+ C 10/20 1


Portland, OR






Not a current member