Christopher Bagg

Event Category Date
DNS USGP of Cyclocross Category B 12/5
DNS USGP of Cyclocross Category B 12/4
22 OBRA CCX Championship Category A 11/20
17 Blind Date at the Dairy: Final Series totals Men A 10/27
7 Blind Date at the Dairy Category A 10/27
22 Blind Date at the Dairy: Series after date #4 Men A 10/20
13 Blind Date at the Dairy Category A 10/20
11 Cross Crusade: Sherwood Forest Equestrian Center Category B 10/17
25 Blind Date at the Dairy: Series Standings Men A 10/13
25 Blind Date at the Dairy: Series Standings Men A 10/6
DNF Blind Date at the Dairy Category A Men (Speeddating Men) 10/6
DNF Cross Crusade: Alpenrose Dairy Category A 10/3
13 Blind Date at the Dairy: Series Standings Category A Men (Speeddating Men) 9/29
13 Blind Date at the Dairy Category A Men (Speeddating Men) 9/29
9 Hood River Double Cross Category A 9/19

1697th — 2010 Ironman

Event Category Date Points
9 Hood River Double Cross Category A 9/19 1
13 Blind Date at the Dairy Category A Men (Speeddating Men) 9/29 1
DNF Cross Crusade: Alpenrose Dairy Category A 10/3 1
DNF Blind Date at the Dairy Category A Men (Speeddating Men) 10/6 1
11 Cross Crusade: Sherwood Forest Equestrian Center Category B 10/17 1
13 Blind Date at the Dairy Category A 10/20 1
7 Blind Date at the Dairy Category A 10/27 1
22 OBRA CCX Championship Category A 11/20 1

401st — 2010 Overall BAR: Category 3 Men

Event Category Date Points
112 2010 Overall BAR: Cyclocross BAR Men B 1/1 189

369th — 2010 Overall BAR: Senior Men

Event Category Date Points
95 2010 Overall BAR: Cyclocross BAR Men A 1/1 206

112th — 2010 Overall BAR: 2010 Cyclocross BAR: Men B

Event Category Date Points
11 Cross Crusade: Sherwood Forest Equestrian Center Category B 10/17 7.0

95th — 2010 Overall BAR: 2010 Cyclocross BAR: Men A

Event Category Date Points
9 Hood River Double Cross Category A 9/19 7











September 22, 2008

December 31, 2024