Ryan Weaver

Event Category Date
8 Cross Crusade: Portland International Raceway Singlespeed 11/15
3 Cross Crusade: Portland International Raceway Singlespeed 11/14
5 Cross Crusade: Barton Park Singlespeed 11/8
3 Cross Crusade: Deschutes Brewery Singlespeed 11/1
4 Cross Crusade: Deschutes Brewery Singlespeed 10/31
3 Washougal CX Singlespeed 10/24
4 Cross Crusade: Cascade Locks Singlespeed 10/18
4 Cross Crusade: Alpenrose Singlespeed 10/11
4 Cross Crusade: Alpenrose Singlespeed 10/10
8 Rapha Portland Trophy Cup: Final Series Standings Men A 10/6
8 Rapha Portland Trophy Cup Men A 10/6
12 GPRM 2015: Heiser Farm Category A 10/3
6 GPRM 2015: Heiser Farm Singlespeed 10/3
5 Rapha Portland Trophy Cup Men A 9/29
5 Battle at Barlow Singlespeed 9/27
8 Rapha Portland Trophy Cup Men A 9/22
16 Rapha Portland Trophy Cup: Series Standings Men A 9/22
13 GPRM 2015: Zaaldercross Category A 9/19
17 Rapha Portland Trophy Cup: Series Standings Men A 9/15
9 Rapha Portland Trophy Cup Men A 9/15
13 GPRM 2015: Het Meer CX Category A 9/12
13 Rapha Portland Trophy Cup: Series Standings Men A 9/8
14 Rapha Portland Trophy Cup Men A 9/8
16 GPRM 2015: DDCX Category A 9/5
9 Rapha Portland Trophy Cup Men A 9/1-10/6
10 Rapha Portland Trophy Cup Men A 9/1
26 Monday PIR: August Series Standings Masters Men 1/2/3 8/31
26 Monday PIR Masters Men 1/2/3 8/31
5 Kruger's Kermesse Farm Crit Men A 8/30
52 River City Bicycles Tuesday PIR Men 1/2/3 8/25
23 Monday PIR: Series Standings Masters Men 1/2/3 8/24
12 Monday PIR Masters Men 1/2/3 8/24
20 Monday PIR: August Series Standings Masters Men 1/2/3 8/17
16 Monday PIR Masters Men 1/2/3 8/17
17 Monday PIR: August Series Standings Masters Men 1/2/3 8/10
10 Monday PIR Masters Men 1/2/3 8/10
46 River City Bicycles Tuesday PIR Category 1/2/3 8/4
29 Monday PIR Masters Men 1/2/3 8/3
13 Willamette Gran Fondo Men 30-39 8/2
58 River City Bicycles Tuesday PIR Category 1/2/3 7/28
2 Portland Short Track Series Singlespeed 7/27
70 River City Bicycles Tuesday PIR Category 1/2/3 7/21
1 Portland Short Track Series Singlespeed 7/20
30 River City Bicycles Tuesday PIR Men Category 1/2/3 7/14
3 Portland Short Track Series Singlespeed 7/13
30 Mt. Tabor Series Senior Men 7/8
16 River City Bicycles Tuesday PIR Category 1/2/3 7/7
2 Portland Short Track Series Singlespeed 7/6
21 Mt. Tabor Series Senior Men 7/1
27 River City Bicycles Tuesday PIR: June Series Standings 1/2/3 Men 6/30
29 Monday PIR Masters Men 1/2/3 6/29
1 Six Hours of Mt. Hood Two-Person Co-ed 6/28
3 Portland Short Track Series Singlespeed 6/22
9 River City Bicycles Tuesday PIR Category 1/2/3 6/16
3 Portland Short Track Series Singlespeed 6/15
54 River City Bicycles Tuesday PIR Category 1/2/3 6/9
4 Portland Short Track Series Singlespeed 6/8
2 Portland Short Track Series Singlespeed 6/1
6 Oregon Gran Fondo Men 30-39 5/31
DNF River City Bicycles Tuesday PIR Category 1/2/3 5/26
10 Monday PIR Masters Men 1/2/3 5/25
8 Monday PIR: May Series Standings Masters Men 1/2/3 5/25
83 River City Bicycles Tuesday PIR Category 1/2/3 5/19
9 Monday PIR: Series Standings Masters Men 1/2/3 5/18
5 Monday PIR Masters Men 1/2/3 5/18
20 River City Bicycles Tuesday PIR Category 1/2/3 5/12
10 Monday PIR: Series Standings Masters Men 1/2/3 5/11
6 Monday PIR Masters Men 1/2/3 5/11
19 Monday PIR Special Try Bike Racing Day Masters Men 1/2/3 5/4
39 River City Bicycles Tuesday PIR Category 1/2/3 4/21
19 Barton Park Circuit Race Men 1/2 4/19
23 River City Bicycles Tuesday PIR Category 1/2/3 4/14
21 Gorge Roubaix Men Category 1/2 3/29
20 Cherry Pie Men 1/2 3/22
50 Dirty Circles 1 Men 1/2/3 3/1

4th — Series Overall: Singlespeed

Event Category Date Points
4 Cross Crusade: Alpenrose Singlespeed 10/10 15
4 Cross Crusade: Alpenrose Singlespeed 10/11 15
4 Cross Crusade: Cascade Locks Singlespeed 10/18 15
4 Cross Crusade: Deschutes Brewery Singlespeed 10/31 15
3 Cross Crusade: Deschutes Brewery Singlespeed 11/1 16
3 Cross Crusade: Portland International Raceway Singlespeed 11/14 16

2nd — Series Overall: Singlespeed

Event Category Date Points
2 Portland Short Track Series Singlespeed 6/1 80
3 Portland Short Track Series Singlespeed 6/15 60
3 Portland Short Track Series Singlespeed 6/22 60
2 Portland Short Track Series Singlespeed 7/6 80
3 Portland Short Track Series Singlespeed 7/13 60
1 Portland Short Track Series Singlespeed 7/20 100
2 Portland Short Track Series Singlespeed 7/27 80

2nd — Portland Short Track Series: July Standings: Singlespeed

Event Category Date Points
2 Portland Short Track Series Singlespeed 7/6 80
3 Portland Short Track Series Singlespeed 7/13 60
1 Portland Short Track Series Singlespeed 7/20 100
2 Portland Short Track Series Singlespeed 7/27 80

3rd — Portland Short Track Series: June Standings: Singlespeed

Event Category Date Points
2 Portland Short Track Series Singlespeed 6/1 80
4 Portland Short Track Series Singlespeed 6/8 50
3 Portland Short Track Series Singlespeed 6/15 60
3 Portland Short Track Series Singlespeed 6/22 60

10th — 2015 Overall BAR: 2015 Cyclocross BAR: Singlespeed/Fixed

Event Category Date Points
5 Battle at Barlow Singlespeed 9/27 11.0
6 GPRM 2015: Heiser Farm Singlespeed 10/3 10.0
4 Cross Crusade: Alpenrose Singlespeed 10/10 12.0
4 Cross Crusade: Alpenrose Singlespeed 10/11 18.0
4 Cross Crusade: Cascade Locks Singlespeed 10/18 12.0
3 Washougal CX Singlespeed 10/24 13.0
4 Cross Crusade: Deschutes Brewery Singlespeed 10/31 18.0
3 Cross Crusade: Deschutes Brewery Singlespeed 11/1 13.0
5 Cross Crusade: Barton Park Singlespeed 11/8 11.0
3 Cross Crusade: Portland International Raceway Singlespeed 11/14 19.0
8 Cross Crusade: Portland International Raceway Singlespeed 11/15 12.0

235th — 2015 Overall BAR: Senior Men

Event Category Date Points
37 2015 Overall BAR: Cyclocross BAR Men A 1/1 264

37th — 2015 Overall BAR: 2015 Cyclocross BAR: Men A

Event Category Date Points
5 Kruger's Kermesse Farm Crit Men A 8/30 11
9 Rapha Portland Trophy Cup Men A 9/1-10/6 7
10 Rapha Portland Trophy Cup Men A 9/1 6
14 Rapha Portland Trophy Cup Men A 9/8 2
13 GPRM 2015: Het Meer CX Category A 9/12 3
13 GPRM 2015: Zaaldercross Category A 9/19 3
12 GPRM 2015: Heiser Farm Category A 10/3 4
8 Rapha Portland Trophy Cup: Final Series Standings Men A 10/6 8

6th — 2015 Overall BAR: Singlespeed/Fixed

Event Category Date Points
3 2015 Overall BAR: Short Track BAR Singlespeed/Fixed 1/1 298
10 2015 Overall BAR: Cyclocross BAR Singlespeed/Fixed 1/1 291

3rd — 2015 Overall BAR: 2015 Short Track BAR: Singlespeed/Fixed

Event Category Date Points
3 Portland Short Track Series: June Standings Singlespeed 6/1 13
2 Portland Short Track Series: July Standings Singlespeed 7/6 14

60th — 2015 Overall BAR: 2015 Age Graded BAR: Masters Men 35-39

Event Category Date Points
666 Overall BAR Masters Men 1/1 127

666th — 2015 Overall BAR: Masters Men

Event Category Date Points
174 2015 Overall BAR: Road BAR Masters Men 1/1 127

174th — 2015 Overall BAR: 2015 Road BAR: Masters Men

Event Category Date Points
8 Monday PIR: May Series Standings Masters Men 1/2/3 5/25 8

18th — 2015 Ironman

Event Category Date Points
50 Dirty Circles 1 Men 1/2/3 3/1 1
20 Cherry Pie Men 1/2 3/22 1
21 Gorge Roubaix Men Category 1/2 3/29 1
23 River City Bicycles Tuesday PIR Category 1/2/3 4/14 1
19 Barton Park Circuit Race Men 1/2 4/19 1
39 River City Bicycles Tuesday PIR Category 1/2/3 4/21 1
19 Monday PIR Special Try Bike Racing Day Masters Men 1/2/3 5/4 1
6 Monday PIR Masters Men 1/2/3 5/11 1
20 River City Bicycles Tuesday PIR Category 1/2/3 5/12 1
5 Monday PIR Masters Men 1/2/3 5/18 1
83 River City Bicycles Tuesday PIR Category 1/2/3 5/19 1
10 Monday PIR Masters Men 1/2/3 5/25 1
DNF River City Bicycles Tuesday PIR Category 1/2/3 5/26 1
6 Oregon Gran Fondo Men 30-39 5/31 1
2 Portland Short Track Series Singlespeed 6/1 1
4 Portland Short Track Series Singlespeed 6/8 1
54 River City Bicycles Tuesday PIR Category 1/2/3 6/9 1
3 Portland Short Track Series Singlespeed 6/15 1
9 River City Bicycles Tuesday PIR Category 1/2/3 6/16 1
3 Portland Short Track Series Singlespeed 6/22 1
1 Six Hours of Mt. Hood Two-Person Co-ed 6/28 1
29 Monday PIR Masters Men 1/2/3 6/29 1
21 Mt. Tabor Series Senior Men 7/1 1
2 Portland Short Track Series Singlespeed 7/6 1
16 River City Bicycles Tuesday PIR Category 1/2/3 7/7 1
30 Mt. Tabor Series Senior Men 7/8 1
3 Portland Short Track Series Singlespeed 7/13 1
30 River City Bicycles Tuesday PIR Men Category 1/2/3 7/14 1
1 Portland Short Track Series Singlespeed 7/20 1
70 River City Bicycles Tuesday PIR Category 1/2/3 7/21 1
2 Portland Short Track Series Singlespeed 7/27 1
58 River City Bicycles Tuesday PIR Category 1/2/3 7/28 1
13 Willamette Gran Fondo Men 30-39 8/2 1
29 Monday PIR Masters Men 1/2/3 8/3 1
46 River City Bicycles Tuesday PIR Category 1/2/3 8/4 1
10 Monday PIR Masters Men 1/2/3 8/10 1
16 Monday PIR Masters Men 1/2/3 8/17 1
12 Monday PIR Masters Men 1/2/3 8/24 1
52 River City Bicycles Tuesday PIR Men 1/2/3 8/25 1
5 Kruger's Kermesse Farm Crit Men A 8/30 1
26 Monday PIR Masters Men 1/2/3 8/31 1
10 Rapha Portland Trophy Cup Men A 9/1 1
16 GPRM 2015: DDCX Category A 9/5 1
14 Rapha Portland Trophy Cup Men A 9/8 1
13 GPRM 2015: Het Meer CX Category A 9/12 1
9 Rapha Portland Trophy Cup Men A 9/15 1
13 GPRM 2015: Zaaldercross Category A 9/19 1
8 Rapha Portland Trophy Cup Men A 9/22 1
5 Battle at Barlow Singlespeed 9/27 1
5 Rapha Portland Trophy Cup Men A 9/29 1
6 GPRM 2015: Heiser Farm Singlespeed 10/3 1
12 GPRM 2015: Heiser Farm Category A 10/3 1
8 Rapha Portland Trophy Cup Men A 10/6 1
4 Cross Crusade: Alpenrose Singlespeed 10/10 1
4 Cross Crusade: Alpenrose Singlespeed 10/11 1
4 Cross Crusade: Cascade Locks Singlespeed 10/18 1
3 Washougal CX Singlespeed 10/24 1
4 Cross Crusade: Deschutes Brewery Singlespeed 10/31 1
3 Cross Crusade: Deschutes Brewery Singlespeed 11/1 1
5 Cross Crusade: Barton Park Singlespeed 11/8 1
3 Cross Crusade: Portland International Raceway Singlespeed 11/14 1
8 Cross Crusade: Portland International Raceway Singlespeed 11/15 1


Portland, OR









February 19, 2005

December 31, 2024